Supporting Cambodia to advance their NAP Process
Project Overview
Country background, Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement
The Kingdom of Cambodia is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The Global Climate Risk Index 2018 ranked Cambodia as 15th most at-risk country between 1997 – 2016, and a recent UNDP report suggests that Cambodia’s GDP in 2015 was already 4.6 percent lower than it would have been without climate change over the 1993 – 2015 period.
The government has been engaging with the international climate change community for a number of decades, providing its First National Communication to the UNFCCC in 2002 and its Second National Communication in 2015, along with its INDC, which later became Cambodia’s First NDC when they ratified the Paris Agreement in February 2017.
To achieve the goals outlined in these documents, a number of institutional building blocks exist in Cambodia that aim to combat climate change, setting it up to achieve more wide-spread development goals and SDGs. The Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014 - 2023 (CCCSP) addresses climate risks and reduces vulnerability over a ten-year period and includes sectoral climate change action plans (CCAP) with priority actions for 9 ministries. The institutional mechanisms it has in place to support these initiatives are the National Climate Change Committee (NCCC), established by the government in 2006, and the Cambodian Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) which comprises of a number institutions such as UNDP, who are offering support to Cambodia and their efforts to build resilience to climate change.
How has the NAP-GSP supported to date?
Undertook a stocktaking mission to identify next steps in the NAP process |
In response to Cambodia’s request for support with their NAP process, the development arm of the German government – GIZ – and UNDP, visited Cambodia between 24 - 28 February 2014 to support the government assess the status of the country’s efforts to integrate climate change planning into their national and sectoral level plans, and identify gaps and entry points for further support with the NAP process. |
Developed a roadmap for Cambodia's NAP process |
Informed by the stocktaking mission and the and analysis of gaps in Cambodia's adaptation planning, a Stocktaking Report was developed including a roadmap for the NAP process that identifies six strategic areas for intervention, and is divided into three work streams to occur simultaneously over the period 2014-2019. |
Supported the development CCCSP 2014-2023 and other key climate change documents |
The CCCSP 2014 – 2023 was finalised in 2014 by the Ministry of Environment with the support of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance. The alliance between the Royal Government of Cambodia, UNDP, and Sweden and the European Union, who provide the bulk of the funds that support the project, also supported the development and endorsement of the Climate Change Financing Framework. The project will come to the end of its second phase in 2019. |
> Presentations on the NAP process in Cambodia
20 August 2014 - The above link contains two slideshow presented by the Royal Government of Cambodia: (i) a Roadmap for advancing Cambodia's National Adaptation Plan Process presented at the NAP Expo 2014 in Bonn, Germany and (ii) a slideshow on the prioritisation of climate change adaptation in national planning and coordination at regional levels, presented at the NAP-GSP Asia Regional Training Workshop in Thailand.
> Mission to Cambodia to take stock of adaptation planning
24 - 28 February 2014, Cambodia - NAP-GSP and the development arm of the German government – GIZ – visited Cambodia to support the government assess the status of the country’s efforts to integrate climate change planning into their national and sectoral level plans, and identify gaps and entry points for further support with the NAP process. More information on the stocktaking mission including a slide show in the link above.