Brochures, Posters, Communications Products

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CBA Samoa - Photo Story

Photo Story of CBA Samoa Project. Facilitated by InsightShare.

CBA Niger - Photo Story

Photo Story detailing the Niger CBA Project, facilitated by InsightShare.

Photos from CBA Inception Workshop - Kingston, Jamaica: July 2009

Community-Based Adaptation: Climate Change in Action brochure (2009)

UNDP CBA Brochure highlighting the first five (5) CBA projects under implementation.  Led by UNDP, the CBA project is funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and delivered through the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP).  Co-financing partners in 2008 included the Government of Japan and Australia AID. 

Community-Based Adaptation: Climate Change in Action brochure (Jan. 2010)

UNDP CBA Brochure highlighting additional CBA projects.  Also included are the UN Volunteers (UNV) as a co-financing and project implementation on the ground, and the Government of Switzerland as an additional co-financing partner for Kazakshtan projects focusing on land degradation and water scarcity.

Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change Brochure (July 2010)

The global CBA 2010 brochure showcasing the different community-driven projects that pilots a range of climate risk management practices at the local level.  Taking a natural resource management approach, the CBA project focuses on adaptation approaches that also generate global environmental benefits in the areas of biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management.  The projects will in turn leverage systemic policy changes at the national level that are necessary to reduce vulnerability to CC impacts. 

Measuring Impacts of Sustainable Land Management

The GEF-funded project ‘Ensuring Impacts from SLM - Development of a Global Indicator System’ (KM:Land), developed a suite of global and project-level indicators to measure global environmental benefits and local livelihood benefits. The indicators and accompanying conceptual framework are now being adopted and adapted by both the GEF and UNCCD in their efforts to measure impacts of their respective strategies to combat land degradation.
