Launch Workshop CIRDA
Taxonomy Term List
Presentation 5. Launch Workshop CIRDA
“Climate Information Systems and Global Climate Observing Systems in the context of UNFCCC Negotiations and the NAPs Process," Margaret Mukahanana, Former Chair of the Adaptation Committee.
Presentation 4. Launch Workshop CIRDA
Climate Information Systems and Global Climate Observing Systems in the context of UNFCCC Negotiations and the NAPs Process, ”Motsomi Maletjane, Programme Officer, UNFCCC.
Presentation 3. Launch Workshop CIRDA
“UNDP-GEF supported Climate Information for Resilient Development and Adaptation to Climate Change Programme- Overview.” Bonizella Biagini, Programme Manager CIRDA, UNDP-GEF
Presentation 2. Launch Workshop CIRDA
Introductory Presentation, Carolin Richter, Director of Global Climate Observing Systems, WMO.
Agenda. Launch Workshop CIRDA
Agenda of the Workshop Launch
13-14 April, 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Presentation 1. Launch Workshop CIRDA
General Context to CIRDA Programme, Pradeep Kurukulasuriya Head- Climate Change Adaptation, UNDP-GEF.