Taxonomy Term List

Liberia Project Identification Form (February 2009)

Project Objective:  To reduce vulnerability and build resilience of local communities and socio-economic sectors to the additional threats of climate change in Liberia's low-elevation coastal zones

Sierra Leone - Project Identification Framework, 12-20-2011

Samoa - Letter to Council and PIF - July 2011

Ethiopia Project Identification Form (April 2010)

Project Objective: Supporting local communities and administrations at the lowest level of government to design and implement adaptation actions aimed at reducing vulnerability and building resilience, especially in those communities that are particularly vulnerable in Ethiopia

Bengali Project Identification Form (PIF)

The Bangladesh Project Identification Form (PIF) details how the project was formulated in alignment with the Updated Results-Based Management Framework and Adaptation Monitoring and Assessment Tool for the Least Developed Countries Fund. It corresponds to Objective CCA-1: “Reducing Vulnerability: Reduce vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate change, including variability, at local, national, regional and global level”.

Benin Project Identification Form (PIF)

Integrated Adaptation Programme to Combat the Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Production and Food Security in Benin

Nicaragua AF Project Proposal

Nicaragua proposal for project, 'Reduction of Risks and Vulnerability Based on Flooding and Droughts in the Estero Real Watershed'

Approved and funded by the Adaptation Fund Board 2010-12-15

Seychelles AF Project Proposal

Seychelles Proposal for project, 'Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles'


Samoa AF proposal

Samoa proposal for project, 'Enhancing resilience of coastal communities of Samoa to climate change'

Approved and funded by the Adaptation Fund Board 2011-12-14

Papua New Guinea AF Project Proposal

Papua New Guinea Proposal for Project, 'Enhancing Adaptive capacity of communities in Papua New Guinea to climate change and disaster risks in the Coastal, HIghland and Island regions'

Approved and funded by the Adaptation Fund Board 2012-03-16
