Reports and Publications by country teams

Reports and Publications by country teams

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Taxonomy Term List

Travel Cost Method - Robert Mendelsohn

A number of benefits associated with adaptation do not have prices associated with them.  However, there are non-market values that must be taken into account in the CBA.  In this session, Robert will introduce and train everyone on a method that is frequently used to estimate non-market use values—referred to in the literature as the travel cost method.  This valuation method is used frequently to calculate the value of national parks, beaches, ecosystems etc.


Introduction to Estimates of Climate Change Impacts (Ricandian Analysis) - Emanuele Massetti

Participants will be trained on a method that is widely used to estimate the economic costs and benefits of climate change impacts, and adaptation. In this session, Participants will be trained on the theory underpinning the method.

Introduction to Cost Benefit Analysis - Benoit Laplante

In this session, participants will be introduced to both the theory and application of methods and data to estimate the costs and benefits of the adaptation projects that each team is focused on.  

Discounting and Including Climate Change - Ali Akram

In this session, participants will be introduced and trained on methods of combining annual costs and benefits across time, choosing a discount rate, and calculating the present value of a stream of costs and benefits.

Economic Growth and Climate Change - Robert Mendelsohn

Adding economic growth to models, and measuring how it affects water use over time.  Discussion about how climate change affects water supply and demand, and how water management can adapt to these changes.

Contingent Valuation Methods - Robert Mendelsohn

A second approach for assessing non-market values will be introduced in this session.  Robert will provide hands on training on Contingent Valuation Methods – a survey-based economic technique for the valuation of non-market resources such as environmental preservation or the impact of contamination. 

Benefit Transfer Method - Robert Mendelsohn

In this session, participants will be introduced to the benefit transfer method, frequently used to estimate economic values by transferring available information from studies already completed in a specific location to the analysis of an issue in another location that may not have primary data easily available.  Participants will be trained on when this technique would be most appropriate to apply. 

Use of Country Planning and Budgeting Systems to respond to Climate Change - Paul Steele

Integrating climate into Country Planning and Budgeting Systems to respond to Climate Change; the role of tools such as the Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Reviews (CPEIR) in helping countries.

Lao PDR – GEF Trust Project Terminal Report (3 August 2013)

This report includes information on the progress made under each of the project goals, risks, lessons learned and outcomes achieved for the project titled “Strengthening the Capacity to Implement Natural Resources Legislation in Lao People’s Democratic Republic”.

Communities of Practice Presentation
